SUN Cellular Numbers

Sun Cellular Mobile Number Prefixes

0952 0962 0972

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SUN Cellular:

A Snapshot of Its Evolution and Distinctive Traits

sun cellular logo

    • Foundation and Growth

      Established by Digitel in 2001, SUN Cellular quickly carved a niche in the Philippine telecommunications market, particularly known for its affordable and innovative voice and SMS services.

    • Network Expansion and Innovations:

      SUN made a significant impact with its unlimited call and text offerings, revolutionizing the way Filipinos communicate and contributing to the widespread popularity of mobile services.

    • Acquisition and Integration

      In 2011, SUN Cellular was acquired by PLDT, leading to an integration with Smart Communications, which expanded its network reach and service capabilities.

    • Recognition and Awards

      Throughout its operation, SUN Cellular has been recognized for its excellent service, receiving numerous awards for network quality and customer satisfaction.