Globe Telecom Intensifies Anti-Fraud Drive: Massive Increase in Blocked SIMs in 2023

Globe Telecom Quadruples SIM Deactivations in a Stepped-Up Battle Against Fraud

Globe Telecom Inc. has significantly intensified its anti-fraud efforts in 2023, leading to a substantial increase in the number of SIM cards deactivated due to involvement in spam and fraudulent activities.

This move is part of Globe’s ongoing commitment to safeguard its network and protect its customers from digital threats.

Key Takeaways

  • Significant Surge in Blocked SIMs: A fourfold increase in deactivated SIMs in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • Majority from Competitor Networks: Most blocked SIMs were from other networks, highlighting Globe’s vigilance.
  • Decrease in Blocked Globe SIMs: A reduction in the number of Globe’s own SIMs deactivated.
  • Proactive Fraud Detection Measures: Enhanced strategies and technologies to combat digital fraud.
  • Collaboration with NBI: GCash’s tie-up with the National Bureau of Investigation for stronger financial crime tracking.

Aggressive Anti-Fraud Measures

Anton Reynaldo Bonifacio Chief Information Security Officer at the Globe Group
Anton Reynaldo Bonifacio Chief Information Security Officer at the Globe Group

Globe CISO Anton Bonifacio stressed the importance of evolving strategies:

Our aggressive measures against online fraud, especially in deactivating and blacklisting SIMs, are a testament to our commitment to creating a safer digital environment.

Breakdown of Blocked SIMs

Description Details
Total Blocked SIMs 220,669 in 2023, with most from other networks
Decrease in Globe SIMs 7,521 Globe SIMs deactivated, a decline from the previous year

This table provides a breakdown of the blocked SIMs by Globe Telecom in 2023, detailing the total number and the specific decrease in Globe SIMs from the previous year.

StopSpam Portal for Customer Engagement

GCash's agreement with the NBI strengthens the app’s capacity to combat financial crimes
GCash Enhances Financial Crime Prevention Through Strategic Partnership with NBI

Globe’s StopSpam portal enables customers to report spam messages directly, contributing to the identification and blacklisting of fraudulent SIMs.

Investment in Security Operations

Globe has invested $20 million in expanding the capabilities of its Security Operations Center, enhancing its ability to filter spam and fraud from various sources.

GCash and NBI Partnership

GCash’s agreement with the NBI strengthens the app’s capacity to combat financial crimes, including sharing e-wallet details of reported criminals with the NBI for investigations.

Globe Telecom’s significant increase in blocking SIMs associated with fraud in 2023 demonstrates its heightened commitment to customer safety and network security.

By deploying advanced technologies and fostering strategic partnerships, Globe is solidifying its stance against digital fraud and ensuring a secure communication environment for its users.

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