Globe Telecom to Authenticate 61 Million Users in Anti-Fraud Campaign

Globe Telecom Initiates Massive SIM Authentication to Combat Fraud

Globe Telecom Inc. has embarked on a comprehensive initiative to authenticate over 61 million subscriber identities in its network.

This massive effort aims to identify and eliminate mobile numbers involved in fraudulent activities, intensifying the battle against cybercrime.

Key Takeaways

  • Verification of 61 Million Subscribers: To identify SIMs involved in fraudulent activities.
  • Enhanced SIM Registration Process: Tightening verification to combat fraud and spam messages.
  • Addressing the Black Market Issue: Recognition of fraudulent use of legitimate SIMs.
  • Substantial Increase in Blocked Spam Messages: 5.48 billion spam texts blocked in 2023, up from 2.7 billion in 2022.

Globe’s Anti-Fraud Strategy

Anton Reynaldo Bonifacio Chief Information Security Officer at the Globe Group
Anton Reynaldo Bonifacio
Chief Information Security Officer at the Globe Group

Anton Bonifacio, Globe Chief Information Security Officer, highlights the ongoing issue:

These scam messages that continue to spread could be from SIM cards obtained in the black market with false identities or legitimate SIMs used as mules.

SIM Authentication Goals

  • Internal Network Assessment: To weed out bad actors within the Globe network.
  • Verification Process: Globe aims to deactivate scam-linked SIMs through a thorough validation process.

Addressing Identity Fraud

Bonifacio acknowledges the challenges posed by criminals using false identities and the black market for SIMs.

The verification process will tackle these issues head-on.

Spam Texts and Online Fraud

  • Doubled Spam Texts: Despite SIM registration, the prevalence of spam has increased, indicating the adaptability of fraudsters.
  • Improved Registration Platform: Globe works on enhancing its SIM registration system for faster personal data verification.

Customer Participation

  • StopSpam System: Customers can report unsolicited texts, contributing to the detection and deactivation of fraudulent SIMs.

Globe Telecom‘s initiative to verify the identities of over 61 million users represents a significant step in its ongoing efforts to provide a safer digital environment.

By tackling the challenges of identity fraud and the illicit use of SIM cards, Globe is reinforcing its commitment to combating online fraud and protecting its customers.

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